The delivery of a tailored AutoPro module for Kiri Energy was successfully completed, designed to streamline their operations. Key features included:

  • Real-Time Equipment Inventory Management & Tracking
  • Vendor Management for improved supplier coordination
  • Custom Dashboards for data visualization and better decision-making

This new module helps Kiri Energy optimize their equipment, vendor relationships, and overall operational efficiency.



We have conducted a successful workshop with its partners BG Oilfield Sdn Bhd and Petronas on Holistic Sand Management which showcased the Metal Loss and Choke management study conducted for one of the Petronas fields using SandMaster software. Along with the study, the way forward of synergizing the niche capabilities of Petronas and GOTS in the area were also discussed between the experts of PCSB and GOTS.

We appreciate the close involvement and cooperation from Petronas in completing the project and conducting this workshop